Current version: 0.45.1 | Current version: 1.30.0
| Current version:
| Current version: |
| Current version: 1.5.4
| Current version: 0.3.0 | Current version: 0.3.0
| Current Version: 1.23.0
|  oZone3D Texture Pack #1
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All the following textures are especially adapted to realtime 3D constraints:
- textures have all a power of two dimensions such as 512, 1024 or 2048
- almost all textures are seamless (cyclic)
- each texture comes with a normal-map (ex: texture_name_DOT3.jpg) that can be used in bump mapping effects
(see tutorials on this topic: Normal-Maps and
Bump Mapping)
 | Bark0 Dimensions: 1024x1024 Format: JPEG
|  | Bark1 Dimensions: 1024x1024 Format: JPEG
|  | Bark3 Dimensions: 1024x1024 Format: JPEG
|  | Bark4 Dimensions: 1024x1024 Format: JPEG
|  | Brick1 Dimensions: 1024x1024 Format: JPEG
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