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HIS AMD/ATI Radeon HD 3870

Last Update: December 5, 2007

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9 - HD 3870: Crysis GPU Benchmark

Direct3D Benchmark

Crysis - Direct3D

This benchmark is provided with the demo of Crysis. Just start the GPU benchmark located in "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis SP Demo\Bin32". The result log file is generated here: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis SP Demo\Game\Levels\island".

TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
	Play Time: 60.60s, Average FPS: 33.00
	Min FPS: 15.79 at frame 148, Max FPS: 51.79 at frame 1614
	Average Tri/Sec: 23755316, Tri/Frame: 719839
	Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 1.27
!TimeDemo Run 1 Finished.
	Play Time: 50.22s, Average FPS: 39.83
	Min FPS: 15.79 at frame 148, Max FPS: 55.55 at frame 1658
	Average Tri/Sec: 28986600, Tri/Frame: 727844
	Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 1.26
!TimeDemo Run 2 Finished.
	Play Time: 50.14s, Average FPS: 39.89
	Min FPS: 15.79 at frame 148, Max FPS: 56.46 at frame 1616
	Average Tri/Sec: 29024492, Tri/Frame: 727696
	Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 1.26
!TimeDemo Run 3 Finished.
	Play Time: 50.11s, Average FPS: 39.91
	Min FPS: 15.79 at frame 148, Max FPS: 56.46 at frame 1616
	Average Tri/Sec: 29056230, Tri/Frame: 727992
	Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 1.26
TimeDemo Play Ended, (4 Runs Performed)

The Avg FPS is the average of the average FPS of the four time demos.

GeForce 7950GX2
Avg FPS: 31.09

Radeon X1950XTX
Avg FPS: 37.65

GeForce 8800GTX
Avg FPS: 38.42

Radeon HD 3870
Avg FPS: 38.15

This test does not really show the power of the Radeon HD 3850 since the AMD X2 3800+ is not enough powerful to feed the graphics card. With a test like Crysis, you need a lot CPU horsepower!

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