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Vertex Buffer Object - GLSL

By Jerome [JeGX] Guinot - jegx[NO-SPAM-THANKS]

Initial draft: October 6, 2006

1 - Introduction

2 - Downloads

1 - Introduction

This demo is based on both following tutorials:

The demo shows the use of Vertex Buffer Objects for an ultra-fast rendering of polygonal meshes. The VBOs are used in GL_STATIC_DRAW mode and the box deformation is performed by a GLSL shader.

For the sake of comparison, the demo is shipped in two versions: one using VBOs (XPGL_Demo_vbo.exe) and the other using regular Vertex Arrays (XPGL_Demo_va.exe).

The following table shows us the difference of performance between VBO and Vertex Arrays (VA):

Graphic CardXPGL_Demo_vbo.exeXPGL_Demo_va.exe
ATI X1950XTX760 fps145 fps

The demo uses a small library especially developped for my OpenGL experimentation needs: XPGL (eXPerimental Graphics Library)


2 - Downloads

XPGL - Mesh Twister - OpenGL / VBO / GLSL - Visual C++ 6.0 Project - (1105k)
Last Update: 11 Octobre 2006

GeeXLab demos

GLSL - Mesh exploder

PhysX 3 cloth demo

Normal visualizer with GS

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Raymarching in GLSL

>Texture DataPack #1
>Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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