Current version: 0.45.1 | Current version: 1.30.0
| Current version:
| Current version: |
| Current version: 1.5.4
| Current version: 0.3.0 | Current version: 0.3.0
| Current Version: 1.23.0
 Mesh Deformers with the GLSL
By Jerome Guinot aka 'JeGX' - jegx_AT_ozone3d(dot)net
Initial draft: June 1, 2006
[ Index ]Introduction | Page 2 | Page 3 | Conclusion
4 - Conclusion
The surface deformer has shown that the fact to transpose the algorithms from CPU to GPU
is beneficial to the computing raw power but often requires re-examining some parts of
the algorithms because of the particular nature of the vertex and pixel processors. In the case
of the normal vector calculation, the solutions can be simple (twist) or more complex (surface
5 - References
6 - Downloads
Surface Deformer and Mesh Twister - Demoniak3D projects - (1174k)
Last update: June 1, 2006
*** These source codes require Demoniak3D to run properly.
Demoniak3D is available here: [:: Demoniak3D Demo-System ::].
Surface Deformer and Mesh Twister - RaptorGL VC6 (OpenGL/Win32) Projects
Mise à jour: June 1, 2006
*** These projects are part of the RaptorGL SDK.
RaptorGL SDK is available here: [:: RaptorGL 3D Engine ::].
[ Index ]Introduction | Page 2 | Page 3 | Conclusion |
| |