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NVIDIA NVIDIA Developer Blog
NVIDIA G80: OpenGL Programming

By: Christophe [Groove] Riccio -
Initial Version: November 12, 2006
Edited and Translated by the oZone3D Team
Last Update: March 25, 2007

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G80 - OpenGL Programming

Do not hesitate to post your feedbacks and comments about this article on the oZone3D.Net forums: [FORUM] NVIDIA G80: OpenGL Programming

1 - Introduction

2 - Milestone

3 - The NVIDIA GPU programming

4 - Variables
4.1 - Data category
4.2 - Approach changes
4.3 - Benefits

5 - Textures
5.1 - Unsigned float textures
5.2 - Texture buffers
5.3 - Integer representation
5.4 - Texture arrays
5.5 - Texture compression

6 - Framebuffer
6.1 - Framebuffer sRGB
6.2 - 32 bits float Z-Buffer
6.3 - Coverage Sample AntiAliasing
6.4 - Render targets blending

7 - Géométrie

8 - GLSL
8.1 - Geomotry shader
8.2 - Langage update

9 - Conclusion

1 - Introduction

The GeForce 8800 is officially announced and, for once, the video card will be immediately available [1]. Obviously, this card is a must and appears to be a reference in terms of performance, functionality and rendering quality as well. Performances are impressive and the architecture sophisticated, but this is not the point. For that, I recommend the excellent review of [2]. As for us, we're going to discuss what is most interesting for the developer, which are the new functionalities in the OpenGL programming framework. This card is the first one that supports Direct3D 10, but all new possibilities it brings are also available with OpenGL through proprietary extensions and on Windows XP as well.

Editor's Notes

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