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oZone3D.Net Demoniak3D Demos & Projects
Demoniak3D Merry Christmas Demo


Merry Christmas Demo Source Code - archive zip - (13435)
Version: 1.0.0 - Release date: January 1, 2006
*** The demo source code requires Demoniak3D to be executed. Demoniak3D is available here: [:: Demoniak3D Demo-System ::].

For any bug report or feedback, please send an email to feedback [AT] ozone3d [DOT] net and add "[DEMO FEEDBACK]" to the subject.

Recommended configuration:
  • Operating System: Windows XP SP1 or SP2
  • Processor: Pentium IV or AMD Athlon XP and up processor - 2.6 GHz and up.
  • Memory: 512M RAM and up
  • Graphics Controller: ATI Radeon 9700 and up (with the latest Catalyst drivers) or GeForce FX 5900 and up (with the latest Forceware drivers)
  • Resolution: 1024x768 - 32 bits/pixel


Merry Christmas And Happy New Year!

Load the file Merry_Christmas_Demo.xml in Demoniak3D to start the demo.

Controls: WASD keys to move the camera and mouse left button to rotate the point of view.

Please, use the forum for any question about this demo...

Author Profile

Author:Raphaël 'satyr' Eshaghpour
Contact:satyr [at] ozone3d [dot] net

GeeXLab demos

GLSL - Mesh exploder

PhysX 3 cloth demo

Normal visualizer with GS

Compute Shaders test on Radeon

Raymarching in GLSL

>Texture DataPack #1
>Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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