Funny, my furry benchmark has been used in a graphics card review along with 3DMark or Lost Planet. Pretty cool 😉

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Funny, my furry benchmark has been used in a graphics card review along with 3DMark or Lost Planet. Pretty cool 😉
I officially released the fur rendering benchmark 4 days ago. So let’s analyze a little bit the first feedbacks available on forums over the web.
1 – Fur rendering benchmark isn’t cpu dependent and this is a very good thing for a graphics card benchmark. No matter the cpu speed, the result for a given card stays equivalent:
– oZone3D.Net forums
– forums
– forums
“yes the first propper gpu bench ive come across, i really like this…. it stops all the arguments about memory timings and cpu speeds. its a good equaliser as all our systems can provide that 10% cpu info the gpu needs…”
2 – 8800GTX vs 2900XT
ATI 2900XT seems to beat NVIDIA 8800GTX. In all forums, the 2900XT is ahead:
– oZone3D.Net forums
– forums
– forums
3 – this benchmark seems to nicely overload the graphics card and then is a cool GPU burner and stress/stability test utility.
– forums : “Par contre j ai jamais vu ma carte graphique chauffer autant: environ 100° pendant la test:ouch:”
– oZone3D.Net forums: “This thing just succeeded to shut down twice the PSU, caused by overloading of the graphics board!!”
I done a little test with my 8800GTX:
– gpu core temp at rest: 58°C
– gpu core temp at load: 83°C
Okay, that’s all for that small benchmark. :winkhappy: