Category Archives: Pixel Hacking
Hartverdrahtet – Fractal World in 4k
Les Cartes GeForce et le keyword GLSL Precise
(WIP) Kombustor 2.2.0 Beta (Tessellation, Soft Shadows)
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) Tests
Depth of Field (DoF): Quelques tests
Mesh Instancing en Software (GeeXLab)
(GeeXLab) Bump Mapping et Self Shadow
(GeeXLab) Caméra à Double FOV
Velvet Shader Preview
Dès que la prochaine release de Demoniak3D, la 1.24.0 (le numéro de version sera peut être le 1.30.0 vu le nombre de modifs), je releaserai la démo du velour avec son beau shader GLSL. Et si je tarde un peu, n’hésitez pas à me poster un petit message pour me rappeler à l’ordre.
Are you ready for a small velvet GLSL shader? Here’s one, at least a preview of the one I’ve just coded for a demo with Smode. Smode… a software dedicated to create… demos! And the cool thing, is that Smode demos will be also available for Demoniak3D. Don’t look for Smode, it’s not available for you, public… Only few people on this planet are enough lucky to play with. But if you really want to touch it, just drop me an email…
As soon as the next release of Demoniak3D, the 1.24.0 (or better the 1.30.0 because of the huge amount of changes), will be ok, I’ll put online the velvet demo with its nice GLSL shader. And if I’m late, don’t hesitate to post a small message to wake me up!
Soft Shadows are Great!
I’ve just finihed to implement soft-shadows in the new oZone3D Engine. And I must say that soft shadows bring a huge amount of realism and credibility to 3d scenes. See for yourself:

The oZone3D tech demo is available here: Soft Shadows Demo
You can consider this demo as a little benchmark. Just start the oZone3D_SoftShadows_Benchmark.exe and look at the FPS in the title bar. With my current devstation I got the following score:
PC1: AMD64 3500+ / 1024M DDR400 / Radeon X700Pro 128M Catalyst 6.6 / WinXpsp2: 5 FPS :thumbdown:
Soft shadows are very GPU consuming but they are the future of 3D! So to make the most of soft shadows, update your graphics card!